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  • TradeWaltz signs MoU with Dynamik Technologies Brunei following announcement of ASEAN-Japan Economic Co-Creation Vision

TradeWaltz signs MoU with Dynamik Technologies Brunei following announcement of ASEAN-Japan Economic Co-Creation Vision

TradeWaltz signs MoU with Dynamik Technologies Brunei following announcement of ASEAN-Japan Economic Co-Creation Vision

TradeWaltz Inc., operator of the trade information collaboration platform “TradeWaltz™”, is pleased to announce that it has signed a MoU with Dynamik Technologies Brunei, the first collaboration MoU with another country since the ASEAN-Japan Economic Co-Creation Vision announced on August 22, 2023, in which the concept of digitizing and connecting trade procedures between ASEAN and Japan on the blockchain is announced.

■ASEAN-Japan Economic Co-Creation Vision 
 In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the friendship between ASEAN and Japan, the Economic Co-Creation Policy for the next 50 years was announced on August 22, 2023 during intergovernmental consultations to realize a safe, prosperous and free economic society between ASEAN and Japan, based on trust. (
 Among the four policies to be covered, “Enhancing Cyber and Physical Connectivity” includes the concrete implementation of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), elimination and digitization of trade procedures and DFFT (free and reliable data flow) to build a seamless logistics network, and the measure “Digitalization and Linkage of Trade Procedures in Commerce, Logistics, and Money Flow in ASEAN and Japan Using Blockchain Technology” is mentioned. 
 TradeWaltz is the only platform in Japan that digitizes trade procedures for commercial, logistics, and financial flows on the blockchain, and in line with this policy, we are collaborating with ASEAN countries to promote the digitization of trade between Japan and ASEAN.

■ Brunei’s Trade Digitalization Initiatives 
 Brunei Darussalam, a member of ASEAN, has been prosperous so far through the mining and export of energy resources with the cooperation of international partners like SHELL, Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan, and others, and by providing free advanced education in the country. In the search for the country’s next industry, “digitalization” has become a key word.
 As one of the leading figures in realizing digital transformation in Brunei, Ms. Haslina Taib, who returned to Brunei after 20 years in Europe and USA, also obtaining an MBA from Harvard University, is currently helming Dynamik Technologies as Chief Executive Officer since 2007 to promote digital business and IT solutions.

Dynamik Technologies is engaged in system operations and consulting for the entire Brunei government, and in 2018 it became a 100% state-owned company by the Brunei government. Now, Ms. Haslina Taib also serves as Chair of Brunei’s representatives to ASEAN-BAC (Business Advisory Council) and is a driving force of the country’s industry as a conduit between the government and private sector. She is currently working with Indonesia and Malaysia on a trade digitalization initiative called “DagangBorneo” a program pioneered by the newly-formed Borneo Economic Community (BEC), and was looking for a partner to collaborate with outside the ASEAN region in this initiative.

 TradeWaltz, in cooperation with Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., was conducting a survey on trade platform development in 10 ASEAN countries under a contract with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and AMEICC, then met Dynamik Technologies.

■Signing of MoU for cooperation
 The ASEAN-Japan Summit has been held since September 5 in Jakarta, Indonesia, the ASEAN chair country, with the participation of Prime Minister Kishida, and private sector representatives’ meetings have been held before and after the summit. ASEAN-BAC Brunei held the “Borneo Business Round Table” on September 5 as a side event of the ASEAN Business Investment Summit, a meeting of private-sector representatives, to announce the formation of the BEC as well as the launching of “DagangBorneo”. TradeWaltz was invited as one of the implementation partners for DagangBorneo from outside ASEAN to introduce TradeWaltz’s business and sign a MoU for collaboration at the event.
 TradeWaltz plans to sign MoUs with private companies in up to five ASEAN countries in the next two months to promote the realization of the ASEAN-Japan Economic Co-Creation Vision, and the Brunei MoU is the first step in this direction with Brunei also being a member of the IPEF.

Officials’ comments
Haslina Taib, CEO, Dynamik Technologies Sdn Bhd
“No stranger to ASEAN, TradeWaltz has been actively supporting ASEAN BAC Thailand in the recent proof of concept for its National Digital Trade Platform NDTP. Modelling on NDTP’s success, DagangBorneo is envisioned as the island’s first cross border digital marketplace. This platform is aimed to support the BEC in pioneering a tokenized digital economy model, fostering seamless cross-border trade transactions and building a circular, sustainable business ecosystem. In plain island language, coming digitally together as a community di pasar tamu digital.”

 Satoru Someya, COO and CMO, TradeWaltz Inc.
“We are pleased to sign this MoU with Dynamik Technologies Brunei. We are looking forward to discussing what the private sector can do to strengthen solidarity between ASEAN and Japan and to realize smoother and freer trade based on secure digital technology, one step at a time.”

About TradeWaltz Inc.
Name:                   TradeWaltz Inc.
Representative:   President & CEO Hirohisa Kojima
Office:                   KASUMIGASEKI BUILDING 36F WORKSTYLING, 3-2-5 Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6036
Established:         April 2020
Main Business:     Provision of the SaaS of “TradeWaltz™,” *1 a trade-related information-sharing platform using blockchain
Number of Employees: 61 (full-time)    
Shareholders:       NTT DATA Corporation / Toyota Tsusho Corporation / UTokyo Innovation Platform Co., Ltd. /
                               Sumitomo Corporation / Mitsubishi Corporation / TW Link Corporation /
                               Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. / Toyoshima & Co., Ltd. / Kamigumi Co., Ltd. /
                               MUFG Bank, Ltd. / Marubeni Corporation / Mitsubishi Logistics Corporation /
                               Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.

SDG initiatives:    Our services mainly promote initiatives on themes 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, and 17.

*1 “TradeWaltz™” is a registered trademark of TradeWaltz Inc. in Japan.Other product names, company names, and organization names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.

Contact for this press
TradeWaltz (Public Relations & Marketing Department) : Someya, Saito, Nakao




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