
NACCS Inc and TradeWaltz Inc have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration.

NACCS Inc and TradeWaltz Inc have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration.

Conclusion of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Collaboration between NACCS Inc, operating Japan’s custom system, and TradeWaltz Inc, operating a trade information collaboration platform

TradeWaltz Inc.
November 12, 2020, 10:00 AM

NACCS, Inc. and TradeWaltz, Inc. have reached an agreement to mutually collaborate and cooperate to contribute to the improvement of the convenience of services provided by both companies to those involved in international logistics and international trade.

To contribute to the development of international logistics and the strengthening of Japan’s international competitiveness, the Company and NACCS, Inc. have agreed to mutually collaborate and cooperate to further promote the digitization of international logistics and international trade operations and improve the convenience of those involved, including system linkage between the trade information collaboration platform “TradeWaltz” and “NACCS”, and have signed an MOU today.

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
TradeWaltz, Inc CEO Office


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