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  • 欧州委員会(EU Commision)から2026年以降欧州向け取引で適用のデジタルID(eFTI)に関する情報共有

欧州委員会(EU Commision)から2026年以降欧州向け取引で適用のデジタルID(eFTI)に関する情報共有


現在、 EU 欧州委員会でデジタルID(企業・従業員・貨物に、グローバルで一意に定めるマイナンバー的な統一番号を付与し、各国間での貿易取引を管理・トレースする取組、ブロックチェーン技術の活用が想定されている)の議論が進んでおり、将来的には欧州外への適用も模索されていますが、政府側で体制を確立するまで、いったんトレードワルツがブロックチェーン・貿易の専門家として連絡対応しております。

2026年8月以降 政府の手続きで
2029年2月以降 民間の手続きで

Info from EU Commission 

The eFTI Delegated Acts covering references to national law and regulatory information requirements and the eFTI common data set and data subsets were published.


The published versions were made available via the Commission’s portal: Electronic freight transport information (eFTI) – national provisions in scope, eFTI common data set & data subsets ( The feedback period will run until 29 December 2023.


The EU Commission also published the most recent version of the Common data set and EU subsets Excel matrix (added with attachment). A very interesting part of the Excel table is an additional sheet with a list of EU regulations related to eFTI Data Sets.


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The European Union eFTI Regulation will be mandatory for EU Member States and, as a first step, it will be made mandatory for Competent Authorities (customs, police, etc.). Still regulation directly affects all companies all over the world exporting goods to the EU as they must use the same technical ecosystem and same electronic standards (eFTI Datasets and subsets). So we are talking about basic regulation with a global impact. 


The eFTI datasets and subsets created are based on the UN/CEFACT MMT-RDM model, and this version already harmonised across EU Member States. 


Related with transport modes:

  • Air
  • Inland Waterways
  • Rail
  • Road 
  • Combined (incl. maritime)

Related with different types of goods:

  • Bulk
  • Dangerous goods
  • General Cargo
  • Small consignments
  • Waste shipments 

By eFTI indicative Implementation timeline:

  • Business to Competent Authorities (B2C), obligation from August 2026
  • Business to Business (B2B), obligation from February 2029.
